100 Rose Bouquet

Give your loved one 100 roses instead of the traditional dozen. Not only will your partner be blown away by your thoughtfulness, but you'll also get to enjoy the beauty of 100 blooms. Roses come in a variety of colors, so you can choose a mix that will perfectly reflect your relationship. Plus, with so many petals, each rose is sure to last for several weeks.

Our 100 roses comes in our signature boxes.

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At Roses Only Singapore, our flowers are groomed to portray floral mastery. Nurtured by the world's best growers equatorial instead, each rose reaches an impressive 65cm in length within its 15-week growing period before being distinguished by color and character. Each stem is then carefully placed in our elegant, signature gift boxes which, never fail to secure a transcendent first impression. Around here, quality is no mere coincidence.

View Roses Only Singapore's collection of flowers.

For assistance, call us at (65) 6256 1818, Mon-Sat 9am to 5pm
Alternatively email us at info.sg@rosesonlyasia.com

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