Collection and Use of Information
I. Roses Only collects personal data for the purpose of fulfilling orders for products or services, or for the purpose of competitions and prize-giving, or for any other such purpose which requires the collection of personal data in order for Roses Only to fulfil an obligation.
II. Personal data includes, but is not limited to: the full name of the customer and/or recipient or competition entrant, payment details, e-mail address, recipient address and contact (mobile) phone numbers.
III. The Roses Only Group does not keep records of customer credit card details.
IV. For customer security, your IP address has been logged and will be recorded with your purchase details.
Disclosure of Information
I. Roses Only may disclose personal data necessary to third party service providers for the purpose of fulfilling customer orders and any other obligations, such as prize-giving or sponsorships.
II. Roses Only will not disclose personal information to third parties for marketing purposes without prior authorisation.
III. Under no circumstances will Roses Only sell or receive payments or services for disclosing customer's personal information to any partner or external company.
Sender Anonymity and Disclosure
I. Customers have the right to remain anonymous except in circumstances where personal information is required to complete an electronic transaction.
II. Roses Only will not disclose sender/customer information to a recipient unless requested or approved to do so by the sender/customer.
Information Storage
I. Roses Only websites utilise cookies to store information of browsing history and to enable browsing features. We do not store any personal or financial information about customer-used cookies.
Promotional Material
I. Customers can elect to receive promotional material by joining as a Member and opting to receive plain text or HTML emails.
II. In compliance with Singapore law, all marketing material sent to the subscriber will include an option for the subscriber to request removal from mailing or contact lists for any future marketing.